06:30 PM - 08:30 PM, 24 Nov 2013: Can Art & Politics Be Separated? Stella Young & Leslie Lock Horns

Wagner was an outspoken anti-Semite whose grandchildren sat on the knee of his most notorious fan: Hitler. There is an effective boycott of The Ring Cycle in Israel. But Wagner is also a celebrated genius who transformed modern music, and The Ring is the hottest operatic ticket in the world.

Can art and politics be separated? Where do we draw the line? How can we be ethical art-lovers – and does it matter?

This debate is sure to inflame passions and spark ideas, as artists and art-lovers across both sides of the divide – including Leah Garrett, Peter Tregear, Leslie Cannold and Stella Young – lock horns.

Where: Melbourne Town Hall, 90-120 Swanston Street

Open to the Public. Tickets Required and Can Be Booked from Link Below